Laser Microdissection
Microdissection allows one to select and isolate part of a sample and use it for further studies (RT-PCR, protein analysis, selection of live cells). Laser microdissection can also be used with live samples to study recovery after a cut, protein recruitment after photodamage… The system is paired with optical tweezer to manipulate samples.
This widefield microscope is equipped with:
3 sets of filters for imaging (Blue/Green/Red)
- a laser microdissection unit - dissection and recovery of cells or subcellular compartments,
- optical tweezers - mechanical manipulation of cells or samples without contact by using an infra-red laser,
- an incubator for live cell imaging (time lapse).
Imaging | Widefield |
Specificity | Laser Microdissection Optical Tweezers |
Cameras | AxioCamIcc1 version3 AxioCam MRm version3 |
Stand |
INVERTED Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 |
Stage | Motorized in XYZ |
Software | Robo software 4.2 Pro |
Incubator | Incubator (temperature + gas control) XL PALM S1 system |
Objective | Mag. / NA | Medium | Contrast | Working Distance |
Fluar | 5x / 0.3 | Air | - | 12.5 mm |
LD Plan Neofluar | 20x / 0.4 | Air | - | Adjustable |
LD Plan Neofluar | 40x / 0.4 | Air | - | Adjustable |
Plan-Neofluar | 63x / 0.75 | Oil | - | Adjustable |
Plan-Apochromat | 63x / 1.4 | Oil | DIC III | 0.19 mm |
Plan Neofluar | 100x / 1.3 | Oil | - | 0.2 mm |
FILTER CUBES for Mercury lamp (HXP120)
Fluorochrome | Excitation | Dichroic | Emission | Filter No |
Blue | SP365 | FT395 | BP420-470 | 49 |
Green | BP470/40 | FT495 | BP525/50 | 38HE |
Red | BP550/25 (HE) | FT570 | BP605/70 |
Suggested references
Laser microdissection | |
Pedersen et al., 2005 |
Mukherjee et al., 2013 |
Mustafa et al., 2012 |
Fink et al., 2011 |
Optical tweezers | |
van Mameren et al., 2011 |
Jannasch et al., 2013 |