Frits Zernike


CFIM image analysis room

QuPath (0.4.1)
Visualization and analysis of tissue slides in brightfield or fluorescence.
Zen Blue (3.7)*
Visualization and analysis of images recorded on Zeiss Microsopes.
Fiji Image processing package - Free
Stardist (Napari)
3D segmentation of nuclei within Napari viewer.
Cellpose 2.0
Segmentation of nuclei and cells based on membrane or cytoplasmic signal
Sigma Plot
Statistical analysis and plot of quantified data.
Identification and quantification of cell phenotypes

Available softwares

* These software requires to connect to a license file.

Technical specifications

PC HP Z620
Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 2.6GHz - 32CPUs
Display interactive pen display monitor
Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080Ti
Frits Zernike (1888-1966) invented phase contrast, allowing to see cells without staining them. He received a Nobel prize in 1953.