Ada Lovelace


CFIM image analysis room

QuPath (0.4.3) Visualization and analysis of tissue slides in brightfield or fluorescence
Zen Blue (0.3.7)* Visualization and analysis of images recorded on Zeiss Microscopes
Stardist (Napari) 3D segmentation of nuclei within Napari
Fiji Image processing package - Free
Cellpose 2.0 Segmentation of nuclei and cells based on membrane or cytoplasmic signal
CellProfiler Identification and quantification of cell phenotypes
3D visualization and manipulation for EM and LM images

Available softwares

* These software requires to connect to a license file.

Technical specifications

Processor AMD Threadripper 5995WX
Display Curved scree
RAM 1024 GB
Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was an English mathematician and writer known for her work on the Analytical Engine. She was the first to established that a computer had applications beyond pure calculation and published the first ever algorithm to be carried out by a computer making her the first computer programmer.