Santiago Ramón Y Cajal


CFIM image analysis room

QuPath (0.4.2) Visualization and analysis of brightfield and fluorescence tissue section
Zen Blue (3.7)* Visualization and analysis of images recorded on Cell Observer (Spinning Disc and TIRF), Axioscan, Widefield and SteREOLumar
Amira (2019.2)* 3D visualization and manipulation for EM and LM images
Fiji Image processing package - Free
Cell Profiler Automation of image quantification for biologists - Free
Huygens Pro* Software for deconvolution and stitching of large images
Arivis 4D* Visualization and analysis of large multidimensional fluorescent images
Imaris 10.0* Visualization and analysis of large multidimensional fluorescent images
Matlab 2021b* Analysis and mathematical software for large multidimensional images
Stardist (Napari) 3D segmentation of nuclei within Napari viewer.
Cellpose 2.0 Segmentation of nuclei and cells based on membrane or cytoplasmic signal

Available softwares

* These software requires to connect to a license file.

Technical specifications

Processors AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X 64 Cores
RAM 256 GB
Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
Santiago Ramon Y Cajal