Using the Core Facility

We are pleased to welcome all users of any level of microscopy experience from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and visiting scientists from other faculties, universities and hospitals.

If you are a new user, you have to be introduced to the microscope you wish to use by one of our members of staff. The introduction depends on your previous experience with microscopy. Read more about our user levels.

To get started you have to register as a user of CFIM. Thereafter, you will recieve the username and password you need in order to book our systems and support.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at for Electron Microscopy requests, or at for Light Microscopy inquiries.

General rules

  • Introduction by CFIM staff members is mandatory for all CFIM equipment, including the wet cell and cryo prep lab. Introductions to microscopes and equipment are exclusively given by CFIM staff members.
  • Trainings are only available between 8:00 and 16:00, and can be booked the latest 24h before session start.
  • Standard access to CFIM is from 8:00 to 18:00. If you need to work after 18:00 or during the weekend, please contact Make sure that the door is properly closed when entering and leaving. You are responsible for whom you allow into CFIM.
  • Food is not allowed inside the microscope rooms or labs. Beverages are allowed only in designated areas.
  • Leave the microscope rooms, laboratory, and other spaces at CFIM clean and tidy. Notify CFIM staff if you find that any of CFIM's premises are in an unacceptable state.
  • GMO1 samples are allowed only in specific rooms. If you have samples classified above level S1, please contact CFIM staff.

Booking and cancellation

  • Booking is mandatory prior to the use of equipment.
  • Bookings are personal. You cannot book a microscope for colleagues or collaborators.
  • Bookings with support should be done latest 24h before session start.
  • Punctuality is a must even on evenings and weekends. If you need more time than booked, please book the required extra time. It is your responsibility to keep the ratio between booking and usage close to 1.
  • Invoicing is based on booking time. However, if the ratio between used time (time log on) and booked time is much higher than 1, the log-on time will be taken into account.
  • If you need to cancel your session, please do so in the booking calendar as soon as possible, no later than 24h before session start.
  • If you need to cancel with a shorter notice, it is your responsibility to make sure the microscope is not left on for you. A fine of DKK 300 will be charged for each microscope/bulb/laser left on overnight. Send an e-mail to, cc all relevant staff (see below)and make sure you receive an answer.

Light microscopes

  • After use, clean the oil/water from the objectives you used with a dry and clean lens paper. If you have not received instruction on how to clean objectives properly, please contact a member of the staff.
  • Before leaving, check whether the microscope is booked within the next two hours, and proceed according to the instruction sheet on whether to leave the system on, put it in standby or shut it down.

If you have problems or doubts on the use or the performance of the system, do not hesitate to contact CFIM LM staff. Phone numbers are displayed in each microscope room.
› Clara Prats: cprats[at],
› Thomas H. Braunstein: thobra[at]

Electron Microscopes

  • The user manuals for electron microscopes are placed in the electron microscope rooms. Please read about rules etc.
  • If you have any comments or questions regarding the microscopes, please contact Klaus Qvortrup (phone number displayed at CFIM).
EM staff:

› Klaus Qvortrup: qvorturp[at],
› Michael J. Johnson: michael.james[at], and
› Tillmann Pape: Tillmann.Pape[at]

Data and IT

  • CFIM is not responsible for your collected data.
  • After using a microscope or support PC please erase any files from the hard drives. Any data left on the hard-drives will be deleted without prior notice.
  • All data older than 1 year and stored on the CFIMdata network drive will be automatically deleted.
  • Access to the internet, is not allowed on computers connected to microscopes. Bring your own laptop and use CFIM's LAN or WiFi.
  • It is forbidden to connect USB storage devices on computers connected to microscopes.


CFIM should be acknowledged in all publications containing data obtained with CFIM equipment with the following sentence: "We acknowledge the Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.".

All computers in the Core Facility are integrated with the Faculty domain, SUND. Therefore, when logging on to a computer, please use your SUND username and password.

All non-employees will receive a SUND username and password when signing up for using the CFIM microscopes.

Storage of data
Employees at SUND should store all required data on their network drive P: or Q:. External should use the network drive Q:. From here you must open the folder named 'CFIM' and store your data in the subfolder 'data'. From this folder you can save data on a USB device or an external hard disk. If you cannot reach your network drive, please notify CFIM staff.

Wireless internet access
WiFi is installed in CFIM to allow access to the internet from your private laptop. The name of the network is 'Eduroam'.

Please set up the free guest network for use of private laptops at CFIM facilities.