Consumables and reagents.
CFIM offers consumables and reagents. Book your consumables or reagents on the service booking tab on our booking system and come to pick it up at CFIM.
EM grids and consumables
- Negative staining carbon grids
- Cryo TEM carbon grid
- Cryo TEM Quantifoil grid
- Protein-A-Gold 10nm
- Protein-A-Gold 5nm
- Autogrid ring
- C-clip
Equipment for laser microdissection
- Adhesive cap tubes
- Membrane slides
- Coverslips 18x18mm, #1.5H (high precision), 200 pcs
- Coverslips 22x22mm, #1.5, 200 pcs
- Coverslips 22x50mm, #1.5, 100 pcs
- Coverslips 25x75mm, #1.5H (high precision), 100 pcs
- Coverslips Ø12mm, #1.5H (high precision), 100 pcs
- Coverslips Ø18mm, #1.5H (high precision), 100 pcs
- Coverslips Ø30mm, #1.5, 100 pcs*
- Coverslips Ø30mm, #1.5H (high precision), 100 pcs*
- Coverslips Ø32mm, #1.5H (high precision), 100 pcs
- Coverslips Ø42mm, #1.5H (high precision), 100 pcs*
- 8-well chamber coverglass #1.5
- Thermanox coverslips, 13mm
* fit in our chambers for live cell imaging.
Dishes and slides
- Glass bottom dish Ø 35 mm, Ø 15 mm glass
- Glass slides approx. 76x26mm
- Superfrost slides (10 pcs)
Data Storage
- 128 GB USB flash drive
Mounting media
- Slowfade Gold Antifade mounting medium #S36936
- Prolong Gold Antifade mounting medium #P36930
- Vectashield mounting medium #VECTVEC-H-1000
- Abberior Mount Solid STED mounting medium #MM-2011-2x15ML
Conventional Secondary Antibodies
Goat anti-mouse IgG
- AlexaFluor488 Goat anti-mouse IgG #A11029
- AlexaFluor568 Goat anti-mouse IgG #A11031
- AlexaFluor647 Goat anti-mouse IgG #A21236
- AlexaFluor647 Goat anti-mouse IgG Plus #A32728
Goat anti-rabbit IgG
- AlexaFluor488 Goat anti-rabbit IgG #A11034
- AlexaFluor568 Goat anti-rabbit IgG #A11036
- AlexaFluor647 Goat anti-rabbit IgG #A21245
- AlexaFluor647 Goat anti-rabbit IgG Plus #A32733
Donkey anti-rabbit IgG
- AlexaFluor488 Goat anti-rabbit IgG #A21206
Donkey anti-rat IgG
- AlexaFluor568 Donkey anti-rat IgG #A78946
Donkey anti-goat IgG
- AlexaFluor488 Donkey anti-goat IgG #A11055
STED Secondary Antibodies
Goat anti-mouse IgG
- STAR ORANGE Goat anti-mouse IgG #STORANGE-1001-500UG
- STAR RED Goat anti-mouse IgG #STRED-1001-500UG
Goat anti-rabbit IgG
- STAR 460L Goat anti-rabbit IgG #ST460L-1002-500UG
- STAR ORANGE Goat anti-rabbit IgG #STORANGE-1002-500UG
- STAR RED Goat anti-rabbit IgG #STRED-1002-500UG
Goat anti-rat IgG
- STAR RED Goat anti-rat IgG #STRED-1007-500UG
Other Dyes
Actin staining
- AlexaFluor555 Phalloidin #A30106
- AlexaFluor647 Phalloidin #A30107
Membrane staining
- AlexaFluor488 Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) #W11261
- AlexaFluor647 Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) #W32466
Mitochondria staining
- MitoTracker Orange CMTMRos #M7510
- MitoTracker Red CM-H2XRos #M7513
Nucleic acid staining
- SYTOX Green #S7020
- SYTOX Deep Red #S11381
Lysosome staining
- Lysotracker RED DND-99 #L7528