Suggested websites
- Zeiss Online campus – all about Light Microscopy
- MicroscopyU: light microscopy school by Nikon
- Olympus Microscopy Resource Center: articles about the principles of light and light microscopy by Olympus
- FEI Student Learning – all about Electron Microscopy
- Microscopy primer – all about microscopy
- Confocal Listserver - browse discussions on confocal microscopy subjects
- iBiology Light Microscopy course - online lectures about all major topics in light microscopy
- Milestone in Light Microscopy - selected reviews
- Fluorescent dyes spectra - Invitrogen Spectra Viewer
- Fluorescent dyes spectra - BD Biosciences Spectrum Viewer
- Fluorophores properties – at University of Graz
- Fluorescent protein database and properties - FPbase
- Fiji: Free image processing software based on Java
- ImageJ: Original ImageJ software before Fiji was released
- Icy: Open community platform for bioimage informatics
- Cell profiler Image analysis software: Creation of modular image analysis pipelines
- Imaris Viewer: Software for 3D rendering and visualization
- Zeiss Zen Blue: Free Lite version of Zeiss Zen software for Image processing (Registration is required)
- IMOD: Tomographic Reconstruction
- Huygens Suite: Partial version
- Metamorph: Automation and Image Analysis
Demo Versions
- Amira: Visualization and manipulation of data (Free trial)
- Autoquant Deconvolution: Advanced Image Deconvolution and 3D Visualization Software (Free 30-Day Demo)
- Volocity: Demo 3D imaging software
- Biii: Community portal to help "choose the right knife" for BioImage processing & analysis
Imaging and analysis societies in Denmark and Europe
DBN - Danish Bioimaging networkRMS - The Royal Microscopical Society
Neubias - Network of European Bioanalysts
The European Light Microscopy Initiative
Imaging facilities in Denmark