10 October 2022

New Epi-Fluorescence and Phase contrast Microscope available


A new microscope installed at CFIM enables researchers to quickly check their fluorescence samples by Epi-fluorescence, or image cells grown in different vessels using Phase Contrast.

Microscope overview

CFIM has acquired a new Epi-fluorescence microscope to enable researchers to quickly check the quality of their fluorescence signals before taking their samples onto a confocal or super-resolution microscope. This system is available for booking via our booking system, but can be used freely as long as it is not booked by another user and no images are taken. If you wish to use the microscope to document your experiment by using the camera, then a booking is required.

The microscope is also fitted with phase objectives that introduce contrast to unstained samples. This is ideal to check prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell growth, or to check cryosections while cutting on the cryostat, for example. Again, checking can be done freely without needing to book the microscope, but please book if you need to use the camera to take pictures.
